Here’s to the new way of doing things. To creating our own traditions. To doing things our way. To mixing things up. To not only disrupting the status quo but forgetting it altogether. Here’s to a whiskey unlike any you’ve ever tasted before.
As a small-batch whiskey distillery in Texas, we’ll be the first to admit that certain time honored-traditions should never be abandoned. Like creating world-class whiskeys using only quality ingredients with no substitutes and no shortcuts. Like never sacrificing quality for the sake of making a buck. Like having whiskey made by those who care as much about the craft of making whiskey, as they do about the finished product. Like creating a blend that’s smooth enough to stand alone, yet mixes well with everything. On those, we agree.
But for us, we’d rather not follow the straight and narrow. After all, we call ourselves BENDT. We’ve created our unique blend because we don’t believe that whiskey should be made for just a select group of people. We don’t believe in drinking whiskey only one way, just for the sake of tradition. We don’t believe in boys clubs, whiskey snobbery, or pretentious drinkers. We simply believe in a great tasting pure whiskey, smooth and handcrafted for you to share with your favorite people. So grab a bottle, grab some friends, and start making some memories. #getbendt