About BENDT BENDT Spirits Whiskey shouldn’t be pretentious, it should be delicious. We believe you should enjoy your whiskey the way you like it. Neat, on the rocks, with a mixer, in a cocktail… your choice. Get BENDT your way. BENDT Spirits #teambendt It takes a village. Our village rocks. Meet #teambendt Making BENDT We believe that making great whiskey takes more than just a few key ingredients. Great whiskey should be made using local ingredients, hand crafted by individuals who love the process as much as you love savoring the result. #getbendt Our Process #getbendt What does it mean to #getbendt ??? Getting BENDT BENDT & the Covid-19 Pandemic Like so many other businesses, ours was hit hard by the Covid-19 crisis. We took the call for help and answered with all that we had to give. This impossibly hard time is now a part of our history and who we are as a team. #getbendtcovid19 BENDT & Covid-19